Orion 2110XP Ammonia
Product name:
Orion 2110XP Ammonia
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Ultra low level accuracy and reliability with years of proven performance
Ammonia Measurement
Range 0 ppm to 10 ppm
Accuracy (with DKA calibration) ± 5% or 0.03 ppm, whichever is greater,
at 25 °C and 35 °C
Interferences Level of interfering ions causing a 10% error at 0.5
ppm NH4 +:K+0.5 ppmNa+ 30 ppmCa+2600 ppm
Resolution 2, 3 or 4 significant digits
Response Time Initial response in 15 seconds, reach 90% of final
reading within 1 minute of injecting a standard solution
Units Displayed ppb, ppm (auto ranging)
Temperature Compensation Automatic
mV Measurement
Range ± 1999.9 mV
Resolution 0.1 mV
Relative Accuracy ± (0.5 mV + 0.1%)
Temperature Measurement
Range -10 to 120 °C
Resolution 0.1 °C
Relative Accuracy ± 0.5 °C
Failure Detection Manual compensation
ATC Probe 30 K thermistor