Product name:
Orion 2100 pH/ORP and Conductivity
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Designed for the highest accuracy and performance — our systems have flexible measurement parameters for single, dual or combined pH/ORP and conductivity inputs, also
offered with optional digital communications. Have your mission critical process in complete control with ease!
pH Measurement (for 2102PH analyzers only)
Range 0 to 14
Resolution 0.1, 0.01
Conductivity Measurement (for 2104CD analyzers only)
Range 0.001 µS/cm to 1000 mS/
cm, cell constant dependent
Resolution 3 significant digits
mV/ORP Measurement
Range ±1999 mV
Resolution 1 mV
Temperature Measurement
Range -10 to 110 °C
Resolution 0.1 °C
pH Calibration
pH Auto-Calibration YES
pH Manual Calibration YES
Number pH Calibration Points 1 to 3
Buffers Recognized US, EURO
Calibration Type Point to point
Conductivity Calibration
Conductivity Cell Constant
Adjust Method
YES, 1 point
Conductivity Direct-Cal 1 to 3 points
Conductivity Auto-Cal 1 to 3 points